Alsop on the Future of Television

I Want My File-Served TV!, writes Stewart Alsop (one of my favourite columnists) in Fortune, offering a compelling glimpse into TV’s future:

File-served television describes an Internet for video content. Anyone–from movie company to homeowner–could store video on his own hard disk and make it available for a price. Movie and television companies would have tons of hard disks with huge capacities, since they can afford to store everything they produce. Cable operators and satellite companies might have some hard disks to store the most popular content, since they can charge a premium for such stuff. And homeowners might have hard disks (possibly in the form of PVRs) that can be used as temporary storage for content that takes time to get or that they only want to rent–or permanent storage for what they’ve bought.

Published by

Rajesh Jain

An Entrepreneur based in Mumbai, India.