Buzz without Bucks

Fast Company writes about how “smart companies are discovering that you don’t need big budgets to deliver a big message. By cleverly cultivating buzz, small businesses with tiny budgets can level the playing field with established giants. Their motto: When it comes to building a brand, word of mouth is priceless.”

More important are people whom Marian Salzman calls “bees.” These folks aren’t satisfied just knowing the next cool thing. They live to spread the news — and others listen to them. “Bees are the critical link between the genesis of a trend and its ultimate incarnation in the world of the mainstream consumer,” Salzman explains. Harness their power, she says, and watch the news spread, from cell phone to email to Weblog to cash register.

t’s all about influencing the influencers. “Finding the superconnectors is the key to a targeted, successful buzz strategy. Go to the trend spreaders and plant yourself intelligently on their radar”, says Salzman.

Published by

Rajesh Jain

An Entrepreneur based in Mumbai, India.