TECH TALK: The Best of 2006: 4. Persistent Search

The Search box has become the window to the world of the Internet. And with it, Google has become the centre of our lives. But what comes after search? While there are plenty of variations on search itself (local, classifieds, video), Bill Burnham suggested that it will be persistent search. [Or as I like to think of it, subscriptions.]

Simply put, Persistent Search allows users to enter a search query just once and then receive constant, near real-time, automatic updates whenever new content that meets their search criteria is published on the web. For example, lets say you are a stock trader and you want to know whenever one of the stocks in your portfolio is mentioned on the web. By using a persistent search query, you can be assured that you will receive a real-time notification whenever one of your stocks is mentioned. Or perhaps you are a teenager who is a rabid fan of a rock group. Wouldnt it be nice to have a constant stream of updates on band gossip, upcoming concerts, and new albums flowing to your mobile phone? Or maybe you are just looking to rent the perfect apartment or buy a specific antique. Wouldnt it be nice to get notified as soon as new items which roughly matched your criteria were listed on the web so that you were able to respond before someone else beat you to the punch? Persistent search makes all of this possible for end users with very little incremental effort.

Persistent Search presents search companies with the opportunity to build rich, persistent relationships with their users. The search engine that captures a users persistent searches will not only have regular, automatic exposure to that user, but they will be able to build a much better understanding of the unique needs and interests of that user which should theoretically enable them to sell more relevant ads and services at higher prices. They will also stand a much better chance of capturing all or most of that users ad-hoc queries because they will already be in regular contact with the user.

Tomorrow: Widgets

TECH TALK The Best of 2006+T

Published by

Rajesh Jain

An Entrepreneur based in Mumbai, India.