
Shenzhen is a short hop away from Hong Kong. I had been there four-and-a-half years ago, for a business meeting. I didn’t see much of the place then. This time around, we actually went around the city. To think that this whole place has been created in the past couple decades is quite astonishing.

We went to “Window of the World.” The famed Chinese expertise of replication has been applied amazingly well here with about a hundred-odd famous sites re-created in a somewhat miniature format (though the Eiffel Tower replica seemed to be at scale). India’s Taj Mahal is also there.

We also take a high-speed train ride from Shenzhen to Guangzhao, and back. I was keen to experience the CHR. It covered the 147 kms in 66 minutes, with a top speed of 200 kms/hour and 3 2-minute stops en route. There is a display in the compartment which shows the speed. It was fast and smooth.

Tomorrow: Shanghai