Navigating NetCore – The Past Year (Part 5)

Our goal this year is to consolidate the enterprise business streams so we can create a foundation that can grow 75-100% year-on-year. This business generates ideas, revenues, customer relationships and profits. In parallel, we are also building out the consumer business – something we had slowed down over the past year. This is something that I am personally driving.The shift of focus to the enterprise business is for the reason of sustenance of business in the short-term
and not necessarily the ultimate goal (though it will continue as an important contributor even in the long run). Our passion still lies in consumer business which means both advertiser pay and consumer pay. Both of these will take time and that is a reality we have accepted. The name of the game is constant re-think yet continued efforts to make our original plans (consumer monetisation) ultimately successful, even though in a re-jigged format.

During our last Board meeting, we asked one of our Board members about the ups and downs we had faced. His response was that unlike some other companies, we had adapted quite well to the changed environment. We had recognised that a specific strategy (consumer monetization through ads on mobile) wasn’t working well, and instead of just sticking to it because “it was part of the plan”, we changed our approach and built out the enterprise mobility business. Now, we were ready, from a stronger base, to take another look at the consumer business with a modified approach.

For me, every year as an entrepreneur is one to be savoured because of the learnings.  Just because I did something right in the past does not guarantee success in the future. Building a business is hard. There are moments of joy – but there are many more moments of pain. However experienced one is, situations are different and have to be dealt with accordingly. More than anything, one has to be optimistic and keep the big picture in mind for what one wants to do. It is that vision of the future that keeps the enthusiasm and morale high even during difficult times. For me, the journey matters as much as reaching the destination.

Published by

Rajesh Jain

An Entrepreneur based in Mumbai, India.