Mirror World

During the elections, I was struck by the lack of databases and real-world linkages. Such tools could be great assets for both campaigning and direct marketing. I think of this as a “mirror world”– a virtual replica of the real world along multiple dimensions:

  • start with maps
  • add a layer of establishments (buildings, schools, retail outlets, roads, etc.)
  • overlay this with the voter database that one can get from the Election Commissio. The voter database has names of people, their addresses, gender and age.
  • add the actual voting numbers based on the data published from the EC post-election (can also incorporate historical data to get trends; need to take into account the delimitation)
  • integrate the socio-demographic and development data that is available from census, various government sites (and collated by independent companies)
  • finally, buy contacts lists of people with information of their digital identity (email IDs, mobile numbers)
  • this database can then be continuously updated based on user interactions, thus enhancing people profiles

The work to be done needs to be done at 3 levels:

  • data acquisition
  • software development for ingesting the data
  • creating analytics tools on the data for decision-making

Such a database would be a very powerful marketing tool. For example, a new multiplex can now reach out to people within a 5 kilometre radius via email or SMS (provided people are not registered on the Do Not Call registry). There are many such applications that I can think of.

Anyone done/doing this, or interested in putting this together?

PS: Credit needs to be given to David Gelernter for his book of the same name (Mirror Worlds). 

Published by

Rajesh Jain

An Entrepreneur based in Mumbai, India.