School Memories – 4

  • Xaverian: I used to love writing for the school magazine. In the early years, I would excitedly open the latest issue to see if my article was published. In later years, I solved that problem by becoming one of the Editors!
  • LBW on Thursdays: We were one of these rare schools that had Thursday as the holiday (rather than Saturday). I remember joining Leaders for a Better World (LBW) in school, as an alternative to Scouts. We would meet on Thursdays in School.  The event I used to look forward to was the Camp.

A recent memory is of taking Abhishek to school. One of the teachers retired a few months ago, and a few of us got together in her honour in the School Hall. I took Abhishek to school and showed him around. There’s a memory that will stay on with me for long: Father and son, separated by 37 years, standing together in front of some of the nature exhibits, outside the Staff Room.

Published by

Rajesh Jain

An Entrepreneur based in Mumbai, India.