Favourite Websites – 2

Continuing with my list of favourite websites:


I visit this at once a week. It gives very good suggestions on business books. Its reviews expose you to new ideas in the business. The sheer diversity of thought that is out there makes it a fascinating read.

Deeshaa.org (On India’s Development)

This is my colleague Atanu Dey’s blog. He is an economist and blogs on issues dealing with India’s development. He writes on what we have done wrong on the policy front, and what are the challenges that India faces on its path to development. He updates it frequently, and I check it about once a day.


This is a made-for-mobile public aggregator of breaking news on many topics (created by my company). I check this on my phone the first thing in the morning. The India-centric headlines aggregated from multiple sources in different topics (national news, business, tech, cricket) provide a very good overview of all the ‘new-new’ happenings.

Published by

Rajesh Jain

An Entrepreneur based in Mumbai, India.