Two weeks of the Lenovo Ideapad S10

I have had plenty of opportunity to use the new Netbook that I bought a couple weeks ago. So far, there are more things to be happy about than to complain about. My biggest issue is with the placement of some of the keys on the keyboard. While the keys themselves are okay in size, the compromise in terms of placement of some of them makes one be a little slower in typing because of the extra care that needs to be taken.

Others have mentioned the battery life limitation – it runs somewhat over 2 hours. For me, that’s more than enough. I am not that big a laptop person – I also like to use paper and pen in my real Notebook!

Overall, I am quite happy with the Ideapad S10 – it is small and compact, and packs quite a punch. The display is sharp and not too small for making presentations or writing documents. The true test will come when I use it for a week on the US visit that I make in early November. From the looks of it, I think it will do just fine.

I will still not recommend it for heavy duty laptop users, but for others looking for an inexpensive, desktop-alternate that is small and light enough, I think the Lenovo computer will work just fine.

Published by

Rajesh Jain

An Entrepreneur based in Mumbai, India.