Lightbulb to LEDs

The Economist writes:

Worldwide about 20% of all electricity generated is used for lighting. Several studies reckon that LEDs could eventually cut that amount in half. That would not only save billions of dollars in electricity bills, but also significantly reduce energy demand, environmental pollution and greenhouse-gas emissions.

Besides being environmentally friendly, LEDs allow unprecedented control over lighting. Unlike incandescent or fluorescent lamps, which spew light in all directions, LEDs generate directional light, making them ideal for selectively illuminating areas. Moreover, the ability to mix and match the output of red, green and blue LEDs makes it possible to tune the emitted light to produce any desired colour. Lighting designers are already using LEDs to illuminate monuments, restaurants and even famous paintings, such as Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa. Because LEDs emit monochromatic light, any potentially harmful or unwanted radiation, such as ultraviolet or infra-red light, can be eliminated.

Published by

Rajesh Jain

An Entrepreneur based in Mumbai, India.