Mobile UGC

Russell Buckley writes:

On the day that Ad Age declares the consumer their Agency of the Year citing such brilliance as the Mentos & Diet Coke video (check it out if you really still havent seen it), it seems only appropriate to highlight that Mugcon (Mobile User Generated Content – anyone think of a better acronym?) is going to hit phones big time this year.

Got your My Space page? How very, very, very 2006. 2007 is all about creating your own mobile space, with your own mobile web page. Not to mention creating your own Java magazines – I hotly tipped Tocmag back in June, which was received with some scepticism in your comments. Late last year, theyd had over 1 million downloads based on nothing more than a little viral marketing over a few months. Its going to get a lot bigger for those guys, I promise.

Other Mugcon stuff is creating your own wallpaper, ringtones, forums or posting your photos via ShoZu or on mobloguk.

Published by

Rajesh Jain

An Entrepreneur based in Mumbai, India.