Weekend Reading

This week’s links:

  • Can India lead the mobile internet revolution? from McKinsey Quarterly. “The country could become the world’s first truly mobile digital society. But grasping the opportunity requires unprecedented cooperation between the private and public sectors.”
  • Finding the Next Big Thing: An interview with Any Kessler.
  • What’s your Founder Superpower? by David Beisel.”Just like various superheroes have different superpowers, so do entrepreneurs – but all of them give them the ability to perform superhuman tasks.”
  • India’s Food Situation: from New York Times. “Four decades after the Green Revolution seemed to be solving India’s food problems, nearly half of Indian children age 5 or younger are malnourished. And soaring food prices, a problem around the world, are especially acute in India.”
  • A National Character Flaw: by Atanu Dey. “The fact that India is a desperately poor country points squarely to the fact that Indians must be collectively myopically selfish. If it were otherwise, India would have been a very prosperous country. Prosperity is an indicator of character — be it an individual or a collective.”

Published by

Rajesh Jain

An Entrepreneur based in Mumbai, India.