Engaging Reach

Mark Kingdon writes:

In the world of digital communications, “reach” is just step one, not an end goal. Simply reaching a consumer isn’t enough. And if you focus solely on engagement, you won’t reach enough viewers to make an impact. That’s why it makes a lot of sense to measure “engaging reach.” First, we must look deeper when it comes to online advertising metrics. According to Rick Corteville, our executive director of media, “Interaction rates and view-through metrics (in addition to the normal clickthroughs) help us understand how engaged the audience is/was with the online experience. It’s all about understanding the dialogue and depth of immersion. Additionally, we have to look at the entire consumer experience across multiple digital touch points. Sounds easy, but it isn’t and we all know it. Do your Web site metrics and online advertising metrics connect to give you a more holistic view of the consumer experience? If not, then that’s something to work on this year.”

Published by

Rajesh Jain

An Entrepreneur based in Mumbai, India.