Blog Past: Writing

In early August, it will be two years since I re-started the blog after a short gap. Since then, I have made it a habit to post something new daily. Here is what I wrote a couple years ago on “Writing”:

One thing I do like is writing. The writing habit started when I was in college, from what I can remember. I started keeping a daily diary. It continued through IIT and then for much of my time in the US – though by then, I had stopped writing daily and made it occasional. I wrote for myself. I rarely read what I wrote after writing it. Writing gave me a way to think clearly and even arrive at decisions, when I needed to.

Over the past 15 or so years, I have a habit of keeping a book wherein I make notes. I also write a Diary page every so often – a more personal note, emptying what the mind is thinking. For some of the past few years, the blog helped refine my thinking on technology and entrepreneurship, opening up new worlds of ideas. And then, inexplicably, I stopped. And almost as inexplicably, I have restarted again!

The best blogs are the voices of single individuals – right from the head and heart. In my case, it is the same raw emotion that I want to keep sharing. And as I write on my blog, I have realised how much I love writing. I hope this time around it continues – daily, and forever.

Published by

Rajesh Jain

An Entrepreneur based in Mumbai, India.