Learning the Wright Way

Inc has a review of a book “The Wright Way” by Mark Eppler on “the problem-solving principles the Wrights used to invent and demonstrate their flying machine” and which are still relevant today:

Forging: The principle of constructive conflict. This conflict can be used to uncover and validate new ideas and strategies to find a practical solution.

Tackle the tyrant: The principle of worst things first. When “tyrant” problems are put first, costs for the whole are limited to this subset should a solution prove to be unachievable.

Fiddling: The principle of inveterate tinkering. New approaches can be created by tinkering with portions of a problem in an effort to understand it.

Mind-warping: The principle of rigid flexibility. Flexing the mind allows it to consider possibilities outside the plane of thought limited by policy, tradition and experience.

Relentless preparation: The principle of forever learning. Learning as a lifelong passion is essential to generating the information needed to solve problems.

Measure twice: The principle of methodical meticulousness. The fastest and most efficient way to solve a problem is by being meticulous and methodical in your approach.

Force multiplication: The principle of equitable teamwork. The force of a group with a common purpose is multiplied by interdependence powered by trust, effort, profits, power and honor.

Published by

Rajesh Jain

An Entrepreneur based in Mumbai, India.